Search engine optimisation hacks: A Guide

Have you ever wondered how search engine optimisation works? Apart from seeing its effects on Google and Bing, getting a feel for how it works can even translate into your own work. Getting content to move and progress in today’s digital landscape is a skill – a skill that can, in fact, be easily taught. Stages of SEO Development With search engines, there are three basic steps as to how to they generate content. In the “crawling” phase, automated robots or ‘bots’ links online documents and domains that are relevant to the keyword you are searching for. Say you were to search for “best hotels in my area” – it will generate a listing of hotels near your current location and any relevant information for your perusal. Once this search term will be used again, it will be “indexed” or stored by the engine’s database for future queries. As more and more of these search terms are being used, the easier “retrieval” of this data becomes – analysing data that is more re...